Laura Stainer CAHP®

Laura is a Certified Aromatherapy Health Practitioner (CAHP®). She uses an evidence-based, holistic and intuitive approach to create custom aromatherapy treatment protocols using plant aromatics known as essential oils.

She graduated from Joyessence Aromatherapy School with the designation of Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional, CAHP® under the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists in 2021, and have completed multiple additional education modules to expand her knowledge on aromatherapy for supporting emotional health. After a 20-year career in nursing, she has deep empathy for anyone who struggles with prolonged stress and anxiety. She is passionate about supporting the nervous system to promote optimal health.

Laura also trained in a truly unique modality called The M-Technique®, which is a registered hands-on treatment intended to provide deep restorative relaxation similar to meditation. The M-Technique® is not offered anywhere else in the region. Other concerns that her services can assist with include Pain, Sleep issues, Symptoms associated with hormonal changes, or PMS. Aromatherapy has also been found to reduce chemo-induced nausea and vomiting and can be a safe adjunct to conventional cancer therapy.

What Is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy can be defined as the art and science of using naturally extracted aromatic essences (more commonly known as essential oils) from plants to balance, harmonize, and promote the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It seeks to unify physiological, psychological, and spiritual processes to enhance an individual’s innate healing process.

What is the M-Technique® ? ‘M’ Technique® isn’t massage therapy, but rather a noninvasive, simple method that provides rapid relaxation in a short amount of time. The ‘M’ technique works by sending signals to the brain to induce calm and relaxation, and has been described as ‘physical hypnotherapy’. M-Technique®️ is ideal for those who:

  • Are seeking a relaxing experience, but have time constraints

  • May have aversions or sensitivities to other manual therapies

  • Are looking for a unique modality to enhance their holistic wellness