Energy Healing Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Our Medical & Usui Reiki Master Brandi Rivait uses Reiki crystals in her energy healing sessions to help heal and transform physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

An energy healing session can help to release and lighten energy in the body. Sessions usually leave clients feeling light, calm, relaxed, grounded, stress free and with a sense that they have let go of what is no longer serving them.

Clients are asked to lay on a massage table fully clothed on their back. A blanket and eye pillow will be offered. An energy healing session will involve the use of crystals, essential oils, and light touch. Healing sessions can help to heal and release specific emotions, life changes, physical ailments, major life decisions, stress and restore harmony and clarity to the client.

One of its greatest benefits is stress reduction and relaxation. Energy healing sessions will activate the body’s natural healing abilities, the immune system, parasympathetic nervous system, aids in better sleep and enhances recovery. When you allow your body to relax you are allowing your body to heal.